Camberley & District Probus Club

Royal Military Academy – Historic Tour, 24th November 2022

Article & Photos: Alan Boyd

An excellent opportunity to experience over 200 years of military history and culture. That is what it said on the box and that is what it delivered. The RMA is a Camberley icon on our doorstep. We pass it each day but do we appreciate the history that lies behind the gates?

An introduction, to explain all the branches of the Army at this unique establishment and its predecessors. Then on to five rooms of historical and cultural significance, including the Indian Army Memorial Room, Wellington Room, History Room, Old College Grand Entrance and the two chapels on site, the Royal Memorial Chapel and Roman Catholic Chapel – all with commentary. All Probus members thoroughly enjoyed the tour. Plenty of information and knowledgeable guides. The two guides allocated to our group spoke clearly and in depth. Very impressive and well worthwhile. Three hours passed very quickly, it was so interesting.

A bonus during our visit – a first rehearsal for the Sovereign’s Parade, complete with band – really great, but the guides had to shout above the music! The public can attend the later rehearsals but at a cost.

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