Camberley & District Probus Club

Expand your Horizons

‘Meet a multitude of enthusiastic, creative people with a wide range of backgrounds and interests’

Check out the CLUB NOTICEBOARD for upcoming Lunch/Speaker dates, Day Trips, Special Events and Annual Vacation.

‘Expand your horizons, bring your enthusiasm and talents, join the Club’

The global network of Probus clubs opens the door to new experiences and friendships. Members of Camberley & District Probus Club look forward to an active and interesting life meeting on a regular basis via a formal set lunch followed by an after-dinner speaker whose subject may vary from autobiographical to historical, arts to humorous tales and more! If you are already retired or easing yourself into semi-retirement, why not consider joining with us and meet a multitude of enthusiastic, creative people with a wide range of backgrounds and interests. The monthly lunches cater for the male membership of the Camberley & District Probus Club whilst the Surrey Heath Ladies Probus Club caters for the ladies. All other events including outings, vacations, the annual President’s Dinner and so on are open to all partners and guests of members.