What A great day out! We learned about the history of Biddenden changing from being an apple orchard and losing money and the risk of laying down wines at a time when it was very risky, but now challenging the French and German wineries.in respect of the taste of the wines. All whilst simultaneously treated to a history of British pop groups, and an explanation of Village names. And the wines were very palatable too, and made us forget that it was raining outside.
But the shower passed and we set off, in good spirits, for Tenterden for lunch – with the majority dining or sandwiching at the railway station restaurant. The train arrived and we duly jumped on board to sit in the old seats, experienced a 1940’s clickety clack ride over the rails that we had forgotten about. moving slowly through the countryside, with time to notice the houses, cattle and fields (instead of them rushing by in a blur as nowadays), time to stop at each station, for passengers to alight or get on, and conversation being punctuated by the train whistle. Train enthusiasts had a great time relating the history of the engines pulling the train, and those engines in the siding and being restored. Great day,enjoyed by all who went.